就在这时,一只勇敢的公鸡跑来帮助它,随后一只棕色的山羊也冲了过来,只见山羊多次用头顶向苍鹰,最终迫使苍鹰飞走了。59岁的农场主贾普·贝茨(Jaap Beets)说:“我为公鸡和山羊跳出来保护我们的鸡感到骄傲。”贝茨证实,这只母鸡在攻击中幸存下来,只受了轻伤。
A hen on a farm in Gelderland, the Netherlands, was recently attacked by a goshawk. At a critical moment, a rooster and a goat bravely rushed to drive away the goshawk. The video showed that a brown hen was on the grass of the farm. Suddenly a goshawk swooped down and swooped on the hen. The hen desperately fled, with feathers flying everywhere.
At this moment, a brave rooster ran to help it, and then a brown goat rushed over. The goat pointed its head to the goshawk many times, and finally forced the goshawk to fly away. Jaap Beets, a 59-year-old farmer, said: "I am proud of the rooster and goats jumping out to protect our chickens." Bates confirmed that the hen survived the attack and suffered only light damage hurt.
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