
◎译  名 孽欲杀人夜/猎人者/捕凶人/1987大悬案
◎片  名 Manhunter
◎年  代 1986
◎国  家 美国
◎类  别 犯罪/恐怖/惊悚
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 中英双字
◎IMDB评分 7.2/10 (18,874 votes)
◎文件格式 BD-RMVB
◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576
◎文件大小 1CD
◎片  长 119 Mins
◎导  演 迈克尔·曼 Michael Mann
◎主  演 威廉·彼德森 William L. Petersen ....Will Graham (as William Petersen)
      琼·艾伦 Joan Allen ....Reba McClane
      布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox ....Dr. Hannibal Lecktor
      Kim Greist ....Molly Graham
      丹尼斯·法里纳 Dennis Farina ....Jack Crawford
      Tom Noonan ....Francis Dolarhyde
      Stephen Lang ....Freddy Lounds
      David Seaman ....Kevin Graham
      Benjamin Hendrickson ....Dr. Frederick Chilton
      Michael Talbott ....Geehan
      丹·巴特勒 Dan Butler ....Jimmy Price (as Dan E. Butler)
      Michele Shay ....Beverly Katz
      Robin Moseley ....Sarah
      Paul Perri ....Dr. Sidney Bloom
      Patricia Charbonneau ....Mrs. Sherman
      Frankie Faison ....Lt. Fisk
      嘉丝莉·毕薇斯 Garcelle Beauvais ....Young Woman Housebuyer
      Joanne Camp ....Mother on Plane
      克里斯·艾略特 Chris Elliott ....Zeller
      Gary Chavaras ....Guadidas
      Chris Cianciolo ....Attendant
      Ken Colquit ....Husband Housebuyer◎简  介  联邦调查局特工杰克·克劳福德努力说服好友、前心理学家威尔·格雷厄姆告别安逸的退休生活,去帮助自己抓捕残忍的杀人恶魔“牙仙”,已经有两个家庭惨死在“牙仙”的手下。几经周折之后,格雷厄姆终于同意出山,离开妻子莫利和年幼的儿子凯文,前往位于亚特兰大的案发现场。在利兹家的遇害现场,格雷厄姆虽然发现并感知了凶手的动机,可除了两起惨案都发生于月圆之夜外,一切都一筹莫展。茫然的格雷厄姆决定向声名狼藉的在押连环杀手汉尼拔求助,但一无所获,倒是狱医弗雷德里克在汉尼拔的牢房中发现一封来自“牙仙”的短信。格雷厄姆很快断定汉尼拔与“牙仙”通过报纸广告中的密码进行联系,联邦调查局破译了密码,“牙仙”的下个目标竟是格雷厄姆的妻儿,陷入绝境的格雷厄姆开始不顾一切的追寻杀手和挽救家庭……一句话评论Enter the mind of a serial killer... you may never e back. Will Graham Has The Mind Of A Psychopath - Thank God He's On The Right Side Of The Law It's just you and me now, sport... 一部让人不悦的犯罪惊悚片。 花絮 ·影片的原定片名为“Red Dragon”,与小说原著同名,但由于1985年的《龙年》票房惨败,制片人迪诺·德·劳伦去提斯决定不再使用有“龙”字的片名。 ·汉尼拔被关押的监狱是在亚特兰大高等艺术博物馆拍摄的。 ·弗兰奇·费森(Frankie Faison)是唯一一位出现在全部四部“汉尼拔”影片中的演员。 ·在拍摄本片期间,安东尼·霍普金斯在国家电影网站剧院的舞台剧中扮演李尔王;而在拍摄1991年的《沉默的羔羊》时,布莱恩·考克斯也在相同剧院扮演了相同角色。 ·为了演好“牙仙”的角色,汤姆·诺南(Tom Noonan)在拍摄期间拒绝与其他剧组成员交往,以营造出孤立而紧张的氛围。 ·只有本片中的汉尼拔姓“Lecktor”,在其他“汉尼拔”电影中他的姓都是“Lecter”。·布莱恩·丹内利、约翰·利特高和曼迪·帕廷金都曾是扮演汉尼拔的人选。 ·大卫·林奇曾是本片导演的最初人选。 精彩对白 Will Graham: I know that I'm not smarter than you.
Doctor Hannibal Lecktor: Then how did you catch me?
Will Graham: You had disadvantages.
Doctor Hannibal Lecktor: What disadvantages?
Will Graham: You're insane.
Jack Crawford: You feel sorry for him.
杰克:你同情他。 Will Graham: As a child, my heart bleeds for him. Someone took a little boy and turned him into a monster. But as an adult... as an adult, he's irredeemable. He butchers whole families to fulfill some sick fantasy. 威尔:作为儿童,我的心在为他流血。某人把一个小男孩变成了怪物。但作为成年人,他无可救药。他为了完成变态的幻想而对一家人痛下毒手。
Will Graham: l'm sick of you, Lecktor. If you've got something to say, say it!
威尔:我厌恶你,莱克特。如果你有话说,那就说吧! Doctor Hannibal Lecktor: l want to help you, Will. You'd be more fortable if you relaxed with yourself! We don't invent our natures, they're issued to us with our lungs and pancreas and everything else. Why fight it? 汉尼拔:我想帮助你,威尔。如果你放松自己会觉得更舒服!我们的天性是与生俱来的,和我们身上的一切融在一起。为什么要克制它?
Will Graham: Fight what?
威尔:克制什么? Doctor Hannibal Lecktor: Did you really feel depressed after you shot Mr. Garrett Jacob Hobbes to death? l think you probably did. But it wasn't the act that got to you. Didn't you feel so bad, because killing him felt so good? And why shouldn't it feel good? lt must feel good to God. He does it all the time. God's terrific! He dropped a church roof on 34 of his worshippers in Texas last Wednesday night, just as they were groveling through a hymn to his majesty. Don't you think that felt good? 汉尼拔:当射杀加勒特·雅各布·霍布斯先生之后你是否真的感到消沉?我想你或许有过。但它不是影响你的原因。难道你没因杀他产生的快感而深感困惑?还有为什么不该有快感?对上帝来说它是好事,他始终都是这么做的。令人恐怖的上帝!在德州的上周五晚上,他让坠落的教堂顶棚砸死了34个对他顶礼膜拜的人。难道你不认为感觉不错吗?
Will Graham: Why does it feel good, Dr. Lecktor?
威尔:为什么感觉不错,莱克特博士? Doctor Hannibal Lecktor: lt feels good because God has power. lf one does what God does enough times, one will bee as God is. God's a champ. He always stays ahead. He got 140 Phillipinos in one plane crash last year. Remember that earthquake in ltaly last spring? 汉尼拔:因为上帝有强大的力量,如果某个人完成了足够多上帝才能做到的事,他就会变得像上帝一样。上帝是冠军,他永远在前方等待。去年他让140个菲律宾人死于空难。还记得去年春天发生在意大利的地震吗?


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